Well come to Adama Hospital Medical College Registrar Office!
Adama Hospital Medical College (AHMC) Registrar Office is located on new building at the right side of main gate. It was established in 2012 as the office of registrar of AHMC.
Duties and responsibilities
The college registrar office has various duties and responsibilities that range from preparing the academic calendar of the college to ensuring that all decisions of an academic nature are made pursuant to the college’s rules and regulations. In specific terms the office of the registrar’s duties and responsibilities include:
Keeping academic records of students appropriately and systematically;
Receiving admission applications to the college;
Provision of student transcripts and credentials;
Issuing, renewing and replacing, identification cards; and
Preparing list of students recommended for graduation and submits to the Senate for approval.
Issue transcripts, degrees, diplomas and certificates to beneficiaries